Tummy Tuck Dallas
Tummy Tuck surgery, also called Abdominoplasty, is a cosmetic surgery procedure that is commonly performed to enhance the appearance of the mid-section after a significant weight loss or after pregnancy. Some people struggle with the mid-section their whole life and find it is the first place they gain weight and the last place they lose it and as they get older the fluctuations in weight may leave excess, sagging skin in the area. The Tummy Tuck surgery removes the excess, sagging skin and can tighten the abdominal muscles to create a smoother, tighter mid-section appearance.
The Tummy Tuck procedure is achieved through an incision that runs along the lower abdomen from hip to hip and it is important to understand that this incision will leave behind a permeant scar, though it is easily hidden under underwear and swimwear. Sometimes a patient may choose to combine the Tummy Tuck with Liposuction to also eliminate stubborn fat front he region. If you are interested in learning more about the procedure and to find out fi you are a good candidate for the procedure, contact our office to schedule your constellation with Dr. Habash today.